Tuesday, June 2, 2009

You can't make this shit up

Who goes on a diet and gains weight?


202.6 is not a happy place.

I did have a not so good weekend, food-wise, but still...2 days should not be allowed to ruin everything.

I'll keep you all posted on my progress...when there is some! I'm off to clean, and I mean C-L-E-A-N, the old house today...so maybe that will burn some extra calories. Then again...we turned the A/C off at that house, so if it gets to a million degrees inside...I'll probably just quit cleaning and start drinking. Oh well!

Also, I'm not fishing for compliments/suggestions here...just whining. No diet tips today, please. :)

1 comment:

  1. You and me both :) Never thought I'd pass the 2 buck mark, but here I am, hating it, and only seeming to grow as I actually get better about treating myself well for a change. WTF?!
