Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's Been Awhile...

Sorry for my many long absences from this blog lately.  The third trimester is definitely taking its toll.

I feel a little bit guilty complaining, because I've had a pretty easy time this whole pregnancy and I know it could be so much worse! 

I don't know what happened but in the last week I've started to feel like I'm literally losing my mind.  It's not just "pregnancy brain," although that is certainly an annoying factor as well.  I've been super moody, tired, physically exhausted, hungry but nothing sounds good, lonely, depressed, sad or a combination of any/all of the above basically every day.  It SUCKS!

Luckily, I had a regularly scheduled OB appointment yesterday and had the opportunity to discuss this issue with a doctor.  Thank God for small miracles.  I honest to God thought I might have a serious problem.  I have never EVER felt this way before...totally out of control, yet lacking any ability to stop my behavior/thoughts.  Those of you who know me will not be surprised to learn that I don't deal well with a lack of control, especially over myself. 

My doctor informed me that between weeks 28-30, your hormone levels are at the highest they ever will be throughout your pregnancy.  In the first trimester, you are not used to ANY hormones, which is what makes you moody, sick and tired.  Then your body adjusts.  The third trimester, you have a huge upswing of extra hormones, so it's kinda like being back in the first trimester all over again.  On the one hand, it's nice to know that I am not crazy but, on the other hand, it's frustrating that I can't do anything about it except wait and hope for the best. 

She also gave me a depression evaluation test.  She explained that anti-partum (before baby) depression is actually significantly more common than post-partum depression, which I didn't know.  It only contained 10 questions, your typical "Have you thought about hurting yourself or someone else?" and "Have you laid in bed at night, unable to sleep because you are worrying?"  No and no.  But then they snuck some in there that threw me off my game a little bit... "Do you blame yourself unnecessarily when things go wrong?"  Hmm...yes.  Absolutely. I thought that was just a personality trait.  Either way, social services gives this test to their clients and typically "red flags" them with a score of 10 or higher.  I scored a 12. 

The OB isn't overly concerned, but does want to keep an eye on it.  After I explained to her that planting season has just started so I am spending quite a bit more time alone, she figured that issue combined with this major hormone swing, is probably contributing to "situational" depression.  It's not something that needs therapy or medication, but she did "prescribe" stress-relief in the form of reading a book, de-cluttering, mani/pedis (that's right ladies!) or whatever helps me chill out.  I suppose I already broke the rules by going to Walmart, but Hobby Lobby sort of cancels it out, right?  So I'm still on track. :)

Hope you guys aren't missing me TOOOOOOOOO much while the Pregnant Express makes a temporary stop in Hormone Heights. 

I promise to be back soon with pictures of all my sewing/knitting/crafting/organizing projects! 

Love you all and thanks, as always, for reading.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Silly Rabbit...

Although I regularly feature my mom on this blog, Dad has kinda flown under the radar.  There's no specific reason for this covert behavior, however it IS a reflection of his real life.  He's gone YEARS without any long-standing jokes about him, embarrassing stories to tell at every family gathering, etc.  I'm proud to say, today is the first day of the rest of his life.  His EMBARRASSING STORY life.  Welcome to the real world, Dad!

Normally Dad is a pretty regular guy.  See exhibit A:

Ever notice how people get prettier or uglier the more you get to know their true personality? 

Here is what Dad looks like when you get to know his true inner self:

That's right, The Cookie Monster.  Dad loves cookies so much that it's almost a "problem."  A serious disease called Cookie Love.  The man is obsessed.

Last week, my parents stopped by for the day.  We had a great time and headed out to wing night at a local restaurant.  At dinner, Dad gets this twinkle in his eye and says "I noticed you guys have a cookie jar on the counter now!" 

I paused.  We do not have a cookie jar on the counter.  What is he talking about?  We did have some girl scout cookies sitting on the counter, but they were still in boxes.  Maybe that's what he meant?  Mom knew something was wrong because of the look on my face, processing his comment.  Adam, however, caught on right away.

Adam: You don't mean the dog treat container do you?
Dad: No, no, the clear cookie jar with the oreos in it.  Right there on the counter!
Me: Dad, I don't know what kind of oreos you've been eating, but refresh me, what color are your regular Oreos?
Dad: Black, why?
Me: Did you happen to notice what color these "Oreos" were?  They're tan.  The reason for that is the "Oreos" you just ate are called Peanut Butter Droolies and can be found next to the Iams at Walmart.  They are dog treats.


Dad: No, no, they're cookies! 
Me: No, Dad.  They're not.  They're dog treats. 


Dad: Well, I guess I can't help it. I've been on this diet with your mother and I haven't had any cookies and I guess I just went crazy.  I couldn't help myself. 

Dear Lord.  The man is a MACHINE.  A cookie devouring machine. 

The next day he told mom that he needed a whole bottle of Rolaids because the wings from the night before were "barking" at him.  I commented that perhaps it wasn't the wings, maybe those dog treats caused HIM to bark.  He was not amused. 

All I can say is get ready for Christmas, old man.  Bring.It.On. :)