Sunday, January 24, 2010

MC PeePants

Wow.  I feel like I'm having a word vomit moment.  Does that happen to anyone else?  You know, when you've said the same thing 200 million times, but a situation deems it necessary to up the total to 200 million and 1?  Word vomit.  It just keeps coming up and you can't stop it. 

I'm hoping everyone reading this is as sick of hearing about it as I am of blogging about it.  It being my "work status."  If you follow me on facebook, you know that my NY resolution is to cease caring about people who judge my decision to quit the Journal-Star.  I joked that although I normally hate people who use this "reasoning,"  I'm going to guess that most of the haters are just jealous.  Frankly, who wouldn't be jealous?  Who would get an opportunity like this and say, "Gee thanks but no thanks.  I think it sounds like a great idea in theory, but I really enjoyed going to 4 yrs of college, busting my ass, graduating with honors and being underpaid, underappreciated and having nothing to aspire to.  Oh, and I really enjoy the 2 hour commute each day too."  Yeah, that would be NO ONE. 

So my theory is that the haters are nothing more than Jealous Jessies.  That must mean I'm pretty freaking AWESOME and have a totally RAD life.  It's kind of sad, really.  Because what the JJs are actually jealous of are THINGS.  We have been very fortunate and we do have some nice things.  But it's pretty UNfortunate that no one seems to focus on what's actually important, like the relationship my husband and I have INSIDE the nice house.  Ok, stepping down from the soapbox.

I honestly wish that all the JJs could have seen just how awesome and totally rad my life really is, up close and personally, this past Friday night.  Perhaps after witnessing Friday night's events, the JJs might just change their JJ tune. 

Friday night, a friend of a friend was in town and wanted to see the "sights" of Goofy Ridge.  Talk about a way to start the evening!  We headed to the Mallard Club and ended up at the Hialeah.  Adam pre-partied and continued his binge throughout the night.  A friend even pointed out that it might be a good idea to lock the door to the laundry room, judging by Adam's state, especially after the infamous "Washing Machine Incident of '09." 

I was woken up at 2:30 AM to Adam shuffling down the hall.  The mental alarm bells went off, as this is how the washing machine incident began.  I hesitated, didn't bother to get up, but called out to ask what he was doing.  I can't recall his response, but whatever it was apparently merited me dragging my fat ass out of bed and checking out the situation. 

Let me set the scene.  I am still half asleep.  My eyes are partially crusted shut because I fell asleep in my mascara.  I have no contacts in, and am therefore basically the fact that the house is pitch black only complicates matters.  Now.  The hallway outside of our room is mostly tiled, but immediately outside our door is still carpeted.  This is important.

I begin my journey down the hall, stumbling all over the place (since I can't see).   By the time I got both my feet onto the tiled portion of the hallway (approx. 3 ft. from the door), I started screaming.  I was standing in a puddle.  I turned to run towards the light switch and find out what the F I was standing in...and slid down the tile, nearly spraining my ankle.  I'll reserve the ensuing string of 4-letter words for another time.  I flipped the switch, and realized the puddle was only on the tile (whew!) but stretched past the laundry room, around the corner (nearly 2.5 ft.).  And it was a puddle of piss.  So basically what had to happen is Adam got to the end of the carpet, whipped it out and peed all over the floor.  I don't know how one bladder could hold that much liquid but, then again, I'm no expert.  Even more special, past the piss pond, there are wet footprints going down the hall towards the half-bath.  How he could still have to pee is beyond me...but he did.  2 more times.  All over the bathroom floor.  By the time he was done, I was on my hands and knees cleaning up the pee pond.  He appeared out of nowhere and told me I was being an asshole because I was cleaning it up and he could do a better job.  Believe me, I welcomed that proposal, though I highly doubted its merit.  He grabs ONE paper towel, smears the pee all over the floor, including the areas it (miraculously) had not already hit.  He was therefore banned from cleanup duty and proceeded into the bedroom and transformed his nose and mouth into a lawnmower.  Nothing like being woken up to piss all over the floor, being called an asshole for cleaning it up, and then trying to go to sleep with a chain saw in your ear. 

You know how sometimes when you're really pissed, you get all these crazy ideas to try and fix the situation?  Here are the ideas I imagined, then eliminated:
-Rubber Sheets
-Locking him in the room

As I said, all ideas were shoved aside.  Murder would only cause me more problems, and I don't look good in orange.  Ideas 2-4 all end up with me getting peed ON.

Now, in Adam's defense, he did get out the Swiffer Wet Jet and clean up all the urine residue on Saturday morning.  After I explained Piss Lake. 

So to all those Jealous Jessies out there...maybe you should focus on making your own life better instead of being jealous of mine.  Because clearly Ridge Living is totally AWESOME and RAD.  And if you're still not convinced, I know a yellow lake you can visit...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Aruba,, just Aruba!

As I mentioned in my last blog, we took a much needed break from reality and headed down to Aruba for New Year's.  We've only been once before and it was our honeymoon, so although we ventured out to see the sights a few times, we were REALLY looking forward to exploring this time.  And by exploring, I mean exploring restaurants.  We like to eat, okay?

But even more exciting than the 12,000 calorie a day diet were the rumors of crazy awesome fireworks the night before NYE.  We'd heard reports that they were better than Disney World on the 4th of July.  Those are big shoes to fill! 

Suffice to say, we had big plans for our vacation.  We flew down, and had 2 of the best, easiest flights ever.  We got there and it was sunny, 85 degrees, breezy, how could anyone complain?  Everything is going according to plan.  Our room was ready ahead of schedule, the beach bar was hoppin', life was GOOOOOOOOOOD. 

What they failed to adequately explain is that NYE is a MAJOR holiday for the people of Aruba.  We were forewarned that on NYE we needed to stay close to the hotel or find alternate transportation because the cab services shut down at 11 pm, in order to be home with their families.  No problem.  They warned us that things close down for the holiday, so be prepared to just chill on the beach.  Sounds great.  We even laughed, "they close things down for the day in America too, no big deal."  Yeah, except in Aruba they close things for FOUR days.  NYE was Thursday, so most everything was closed Thursday-Sunday.  That kinda sucked.  We ended up just being beach bums for the majority of the vacation and, in the end, it was EXACTLY what we needed.  We didn't have one headache, backache, no cell phones or DVRs, not a care in the world.  It's hard to complain when this is what you're looking at every day:

Unfortunately, the way home was not so great.  The Detroit Christmas Bomber (or, as I like to call him, the Tighty Whitey Bomber) really screwed things up for us.  We kept a close eye on the NY Times Daily Digest, so we could be certain there were no new restrictions on carry-on items and security measures.  Of course there were new security measures, otherwise how else can we prevent some Nigerian with an attitude problem from trying to blow his dick off?  But I digress...  Anyway, it was WIDELY reported that only those passengers with passports from or flights traveling through Muslim countries would be subjected to "special" searches and procedures.  Let me just tell you that that is not the case.  Aruba is far from a Muslim country.  That's why the Beach Boys' song went "Aruba, Jamaica, oooh I wanna take ya," not "Aruba, Iran, we sure love the Koran."  Either way, we only had one carry-on suitcase and one personal item each, so we thought we'd breeze on by.  Nice to be white and American, I guess.  Not!  We went through the typical security line, then Aruban customs, then another security line, then US customs, then we got to the gate and had huge tables set up for opening and prying through each individual bag, purse, backpack, suitcase, whatever. 

Never fear, because I am awesome, I had already considered that because I looked so tan and Godly, they might think I deserve a second look.  Being awesome is a tough job.  So I prepared in advance for bag search...I took all my dirty underwear and spread it out, crotch up, around the top and edges of my suitcase.  Have fun, fuckers!  Meanwhile, I just stared innocently at the poor schmuck who got stuck digging through my suitcase.  "Who me?  No those are skid marks, not traces of nitrates!"  Adam, meanwhile, was complimented on the excellent and "efficient" job he did packing his suitcase.  Frankly, they're lucky it was me who arranged all her dirty underwear, becase if they'd gotten a hold of his...well...may God have mercy on their poor unfortunate soul. 

Either way, our security adventure was not over yet.  Apparently the NY Times Daily Digest was seriously misinformed.  Not only were my skid marks not validation enough of my desire to maintain my privates' current and intact state, we also had to go through individual pat downs before we could enter the plane.  We FINALLY board the plane, and things go downhill from there.  The movie's sound isn't working right, my iPod touch's battery is dying, and I am seriously uncomfortable. 

Towards the very tail end of the flight, however, I was able to fullfill a lifelong dream (seriously) of finding out just what exactly would happen if you had a "situation" or Code Brown, as I like to call it, when the seatbelt sign was illuminated.  Let's just say that I'd rather not have had this particular opportunity.  I was afraid that if I didn't ask permission (we could see the ground clearly at this point), I would get stuck w/ 20 questions from the flight attendants and not accomplish the obvious task at hand.  So I got Adam to ask for me, and I was denied.  Finally he explained that it was, in fact, an emergency, and she told me to hurry, but then proceeded to ask why I waited so long.  How do you explain to someone who has never had this problem that there was no waiting involved...or else I would just keep on waiting, and that there is no such thing as hurrying it.  Sometimes, these things just hit.  Now I'm in an absolute panic, because I never understood what could possibly go wrong by using the restrooms while landing.  I would have gladly signed away any right at that point, any liability clauses, ANYTHING to use that bathroom.  I rush into a stall, only to find that they've used it as storage space for giant garbage bags full of soda cans.  Now I am seriously freaking out, turned around and luckily had an available restroom.  I feel better, and go back to my seat.  Unfortunately, Code Brown strikes AGAIN, and back I go.  What I didn't count on was sitting on the runway for 20 minutes.  I felt a little better, we deplaned and, upon entering the Atlanta airport, Adam decided we had some time and he would make a pit stop while I watched the suitcases.  Unfortunately, about a minute after he left, strike 3 hits and I am left with no other option but to haul 2 suitcases, a back pack and my giant ass purse into a stall with me.  Poor Adam eventually saw me straggle out, shaking all over.  It was definitely one of the single worst experiences of my life. 

Needless to say, the flight to Bloomington wasn't much better.  We had the exit aisle nazi moonlighting as a flight attendant.  She was everything the stereotype of an old flight attendant would be: giant, teased, fake red hair, gobs of black eyeliner, and a major attitude problem.  We finally arrive in Bloomington and it's down to 6 degrees, there is snow and ice on the ground, and I'm wearing flip flops.  GENIUS! 

It's hard to complain when we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to take a vacation like this, so instead of further complaints, I'll leave you with this:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas, Vacation

Long time, no blog.  Sorry about that.  You see, I was involved with this little thing called Christmas...and it's sort of all-consuming.  At least this year.

We were scheduled to hit up my parents' on Christmas Eve, Adam's parents' on Christmas Day and my extended relatives in StL on Saturday.  Then, as many of you may have heard, early in the morning on Christmas Eve, my Grandpa had what all signs pointed to as a stroke.  My Dad got the call about 7:15 AM and went straight there, left Mom behind to pack, and by the time Dad arrived shortly before noon, it was chaos. 

Grandpa was not taken to the hospital of his choice.  He was taken to the hospital that my Grandma died in.  Needless to say, that had to be difficult.  The reason he was taken there is that when you've had a stroke, the first 3 hours afterwards are the most critical, and this hospital was much closer than his chosen location.  So, so far, we've got: bad hospital, bad memories, critical condition.

Dad shows up, and Grandpa has not had any of the "critical" medication for stroke patients.  It's been almost 5 hours.  Apparently, they have to run all kinds of tests, to see how bad the stroke was, in order to know how much medicine to administer.  In those 5 hours, however, they DID diagnose him as being severely dehydrated...but he still didn't even have IV fluids.  So, now, we have: bad hospital, bad memories, critical condition, severe dehydration, no medication, no IV, no fluids.  This hospital ROCKS!  You can see why my dad and uncle Jim were on the verge of insanity.

Within the next FIVE days, they finally decided he did have a mild stroke, but did not need blood thinners (which, for those of you who don't know, is a VERY good thing!), and he was released. 

Amidst all that excitement, we headed over to Adam's parents' for Christmas Day festivities.  It was a welcome break from the medical drama. Everyone was on their best Christmas behavior, though one brother was asked to leave the card game due to some intestinal complications after french onion soup.  Apparently, it's hard to concentrate on straights when it smells like someone has the runs.  :)

Then we hit up my aunt and uncle's for more celebrations.  It's always great to see my family again, especially around Christmas.  We likely won't be able to make the commute for much longer, so I try really hard to cherish the time we do have.  Luckily, the only major incident at this Christmas party was that each of the families had the stupid idea to buy glitter wrapping paper.  For those of you who have never experienced this phenomenon (and I pray that you never do), it goes a little something like this:

You: (crusing the aisles at Target/Walmart/Hobby Lobby) "Oh boy, Christmas paper!  I LOVE Christmas paper.  It's so pret...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!! They have velvet embossed paper now?  And look over here!! GLITTER PAPER!  Oh, I have to get this.  It will be GORGE under the tree, with the lights shining, oh I can't stand it, I don't care if it's $5 for 20 ft....MUST....HAVE...TODAY!!!"

You 2 weeks later, wrapping the gifts: "Mmmkay, so this might not have been such a great plan.  First of all, the tape won't stick to the glitter, and as a result there is now half a roll of scotch on here...and it looks like I drank half a BOTTLE of scotch while wrapping.  Just great.  And, in my post-wrapping-paper-orgasm-brain-fog...I didn't buy any ribbons.  Awesome.  I love wrapping Christmas presents.  Too bad I can only wrap 3 and I run out of paper, because 20 ft. rolls should be illegal.  Good thing I also love my new Dyson, because there is so much glitter in the carpet that my dog looks like she's been to Studio 54."

You transporting presents from under the tree to the car, en route to Christmas celebrations state-wide: "This sucks.  Fuck glitter.  I'm never buying this shit again (at least until next year, when the glitter strikes your eye and all memories of scotch tape, vodka tonics and disco doggy magically disappear).  Ever."

Combine this love fest with 3 families worth of glitter paper and you get the quote of the holiday season, via my cousin Kayla:
"Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies."   Truer words ne'er been spoken. 

After all this, we needed a vacation.  Another day, another blog.