Wednesday, March 31, 2010

White Trash Wednesday

We've all seen them.  They look like they belong on the esteemed pages of

Today, I bring you further photographic evidence that Ridge Rats are everywhere. 

This beauty was seen in the Pekin GameStop parking lot.  I know it's hard to see, but the vehicle had black and white stickers in a semi-straight line down the side that read "I'm in love with a boy from Illinois."  Particularly interesting was that there weren't any women inside the GameStop and all of the employees were straight as an arrow.  Which I'd guess means someone had to drive their girlfriend's car to work?  Bet that was a looooooooooong day at the GameStop.  Then again, whoever it was is probably the only one who's ever kissed a girl, since the staff looked like they all lived in their mothers' basements.

The next two pictures are so...beautiful, they're almost beyond words.  Well, actually, I have two words:  HOT. MESS.

This turd on wheels was seen in the Davenport Sam's parking lot.  Why does it not surprise me that whoever drives this vehicle would buy food in bulk?  You don't have to be an FBI profiler to know that the person who drives this vehicle is an overweight single woman.  But seriously, how much do you want to bet there are fast food wrappers all over the floor of this trainwreck?  Pretty sure it's against the rules to drive this thing if you're not single.  And I'm also pretty sure driving this seals your dating fate forever.  Cats it is!  I really enjoyed the custom sticker job and custom pink bumper, running boards and light covers.  What kind of sick freak would even accept a job like customizing a Ford to this level of horror?  If it weren't for the striking motto on the back window, I might think it was driven by a child molester.  After seeing the first photo, I half expected the back to say "Free Candy!" 

And you know I cannot go without mentioning the EPIC grammar fail.  Everyone see it?  On the "motto?" "Chic" is French and is an out-dated fashion term meaning stylish. It's pronounced "sheek." 
The word she was actually looking for is "chick."  Way to go, moron.

Ridge Rats abound.  Keep your eyes peeled and send me more photos of 4-wheeled nightmares. 

Monday, March 29, 2010

Healthcare for everyone?

I already had a lengthy facebook discussion on this topic, but I really want to expand and hear everyone's thoughts.

As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to healthcare, politics should be the least of Americans' concerns.  First and foremost, our concern needs to lie with the actual HEALTH and CARE of our fellow Americans.  It should not matter which side of the political spectrum you fall on.  So far, choosing sides has accomplished nothing...unless you count arguments, bullheadedness and a blatant refusal to consider anything the other side has to say, simply because the "other side" said it. 

I heard a joke recently that, while amusing, ended up making me sad.  The joke is: What's the difference between politicians and infants?  Infants eventually grow up and stop crying.  The "funny" thing is, it just goes to show you what a joke our political system really is. 

(Side note: The same joke was made regarding kU basketball players.  Now THAT is funny.)

Healthcare reform is definitely offering change.  I don't think you have to choose a political side to want change.  You don't have to pick a "team" to want the best for everyone, even if they don't agree with your particular values.  Whatever happened to compromise and working together for the COMMON good, not the Democrat/Republican good?

I don't pretend to know everything about the bill that passed, but let me tell you what I do know: how it affects me and my family.

Maybe people with company health insurance don't realize what goes on when you actually own the company.  Let me tell you, it's not pretty!  The idea of providing incentives for small businesses to offer healthcare to their employees is a great one.  I guess a lot of people don't necessarily think of farmers as "small business owners," but that's the reality.  We reorganized our insurance last year and the result was less coverage for employees and paying for our own coverage rather than being covered by a corporate plan.  Do you guys even know how much coverage costs for a young, healthy married couple who isn't covered by a mass corporate plan?  I do!  Over $400 a month.  I thought those kinds of prices were reserved for the elderly and sick!  And if you want to have maternity coverage, which you better--just in case, you can go ahead and tack on almost $100 extra.  It's outrageous!

I also believe mandating that insurance companies cannot deny infants born with "pre-existing" conditions coverage is a fantastic idea.  I can't believe an infant can have a pre-existing condition to begin with, but if the insurance companies say they can, I say insurance companies need to have some regulations.  Most people have no idea what it costs to care for someone with even a "mild" pre-existing condition (like asthma) but I can tell you that it would make our current insurance plan look like a drop in the bucket.  If you want more details, Heather from has some excellent blogs regarding her personal experience with paying for children's health insurance once they have been deemed "high-risk" based on their "pre-existing conditions."  Scary!

On a mostly related note, I also think the part of this reform that bans insurance companies from kicking you off your plan just because you are unlucky enough to have recurring cancer or other extremely expensive medical issues, is a FANTASTIC one.  Maybe I'm missing something here but that just seems obvious.  And to be totally honest, I didn't even know insurance companies could do that, prior to this reform being passed.  What a disgrace!  As if you don't have enough problems dealing with a little thing like recurring cancer, they could kick you off your insurance and you could go bankrupt paying for treatment that may or may not work and could, in fact, kill you?  What an excellent idea!  Just in case anyone in the entire universe didn't know insurance companies were a-holes, that ought to clarify things.

So let's review my version of the new reform bill:
-Incentives for small business owners to offer healthcare to employees
-Mandatory coverage for people w/ pre-existing conditions (which, btw can include allergies)
-Insurance for people w/ recurring and expensive medical conditions

Is there anyone on Earth who doesn't think that sounds reasonable?  Look it doesn't matter what side of the spectrum I'm on...those things just make SENSE!  And isn't common sense the one thing Washington is missing?  Duh.

Granted, there are a lot of things I don't like about this bill.  I think everyone should have access to health care at a reasonable cost, with the same quality of treatment and doctors.  I don't think the government should require you to pay for health care...I just think you shouldn't be treated if you don't have it.  Why should the government be responsible for your poor judgement?  Most of all, I don't like the cost.  We are already trillions (that's TWELVE zeroes, people) of dollars in debt and this plan costs trillions more.  I understand better than most that you have to spend money to make money, but this is ridiculous. 

Instead of focusing on why everyone who doesn't agree with you is wrong and what you don't like about this plan, focus on coming up with concrete solutions and then DO SOMETHING about it.  Don't like how it went down?  Don't re-elect your representatives who passed it.

This bill isn't perfect.  We can ALL agree on that.  It's a start though. 

Soapbox, completed. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My bad?

I tease Adam quite a bit, especially in the stories I post.  In my day to day life, I try not to succumb to the "ways of the Ridge" and other moronic moments but, let's face it, sometimes I make a COMPLETE ass of myself.  Fortunately, I have a pretty good sense of humor.  So, I'm going to post an incident that happened about a month ago and let you all decide whether this incident was truly avoidable, or just my first step in learning how to survive in BFE.

It was February, and like most other February days, there were 5 inches of snow on the ground from a few days prior, and it was just starting to flurry again.  I needed to take Bella to the vet for her pink eye, but was hesitant to drive the Cam-uar, as I wasn't 100% certain of the road conditions.  Adam came home about 20 minutes before I had to leave, and told me the roads were fine, nothing was sticking, but they might get bad if the temperature dropped.  He recommended that I take the F150, so I did.  He asked me to put some bills in the mailbox on my way down the road. 

I turned out of the driveway towards the mailbox and was thinking that I needed to be very careful not to scrape his side mirrors on the mailbox.  The reason this particular thought ran through my mind is that whenever I drive the Cam-uar, he freaks out and acts like I'm going to hit the mailbox.  The truck/side mirrors are much bigger, taller, and stick out further than the Cam-uar's mirrors.  Lord knows if anything happened to this truck, I would neeeeeeeeeeever hear the end of it.

I pulled up to the mailbox and I was freakin' proud.  Smooth turn, not even CLOSE to the mirrors, didn't even have to take my seatbelt off to reach into the mailbox.  What a great driver I turned out to be!  And in a truck that I rarely drive!  In fact, one of two trucks I've driven...ever.  I ROCK.

As I was pulling away I heard a soft thump...and I mean teeny tiny SOFT thump.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw snow falling off the top of the truck.  Since the noise was so soft, I literally thought it was the sound of snow falling from the top of the truck onto the mirror. 

I was mistaken.

The sound was the truck fishtailing into the mailbox and knocking it off the post.  Whoops.

The idea of coming home to tell Adam what had happened was less than thrilling but, ultimately, unavoidable.  After explaining the situation, he told me that it was all my fault.  After all...I was driving.  He informed me that "everyone knows the ass end of a truck is lighter than a car's and likely to fishtail."  He said he couldn't believe I would think that 2 full sized steel toolboxes in the bed of the truck, plus weights and chains and various other farm gears/parts would be enough to keep a truck on the road.  He didn't understand why I thought the roads were clear.  What an idiot I turned out to be.

My question is...why?

Why would I think the roads were clear after he told me 20 minutes before that they were?

Why would I think 2 full steel toolboxes and various other heavy crap would help keep a truck on the road, after he told me he put them in there to help weigh it down?

Why in the world wouldn't I be included in the "everyone" who knows that the "ass end of a truck is light," especially considering I have never owned a truck and rarely drive one?

Why did I decide to drive the truck, especially after he suggested it?


Because I had one majorly unfortunate communication error before I left the house:
I listened to my husband. :)