Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Woot Woot!

Short blog today.

Quick update for those of you following my weight-loss progress:

I am happy to say I finally dropped below the 200 lb. mark. Woohoo!

I haven't lost as much weight as quickly as the last time, but that's ok. I feel a lot better and am much happier. Even 5 lbs. makes a difference.

The visible difference in stomach bloating is probably my favorite part. No more looking pregnant!


  1. Just found this site. As someone who grew up on a farm next to Goofy Ridge and farmed next to Goofy Ridge I find this very funny! I moved to California twenty two years ago. Please keep up the Blog!!

  2. So, in other words, you got out while you still could. :) Just kidding. Thank you for your kind words. I will definitely keep it up.
