Monday, April 19, 2010

Blogging For Betty

As many of you know, my beloved Grandma Betty recently lost her battle with Stage 4 breast cancer.  I hesitate to even say that she "lost," because there was no way to win, despite her best efforts...and I don't think Grandma Betty ever lost anything in her life! ;)  She was a wonderful woman who was many things to many people, and she IS missed.

Now, before I continue to wax poetic, let me get straight to the point.  I am tired of watching the people I love die and not being able to do a damn thing about it.  SICK. OF. IT!

I have a lot of wonderful, talented friends doing great things for charity.  Lindsay over at Peace, Love and French Fries is one.  It dawned on me during one of my many "highway hypnosis" moments that I'm not helpless and it is about time I step up to the plate and do everything I can to fight. 

This is where Blogging for Betty comes in.

I will continue to blog, as I normally do (not all soapbox rants about the many evils of cancer and death, I promise!) but with one major change.

Starting today, April 19th, 2010 and continuing until June 24th, 2010, I will be donating $.01 for every blog hit (for technologically-challenged, that means every time someone clicks on this blog), $0.25 for every comment you leave on the blog, $0.50 for every Facebook Fan of Growing on Goofy, and $1.00 for every Growing on Goofy follower (see the box on the right for how to join). 

The money generated from Blogging for Betty will be donated to a team walking in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day For the Cure. 

Please remember, you don't have to be a computer nerd to join us in this initiative.  You don't even have to have a Facebook account.  Tell your friends via email, if that's how you want to do it, just SPREAD THE WORD. 

Even one click on this website makes a difference...and to prove that point, I am putting all my friends on blast.  I know you're out there and I FULLY EXPECT each and every one of you to at least come check out this blog.  I don't care if you find it offensive, silly or just plain stupid.  I don't care if you don't care.  I don't care if you have no interest in ever reading this blog again...just do it once.  Or else Grandma Betty will haunt you.  And those of you who knew know there might be some truth to that! :)


  1. DZ is doing relay for life this friday i'm walking from 4 am to 6, you are more than welcome to join :)

  2. anybody else want to walk in the stl race for the cure this june? i for sure am starting a team betty next year but there's not enough time to do it now

  3. i realize that was kind of unclear. i am walking this summer not on a team but next year i want to start a team for grandma. that's better lol really i just want you to donate more money, that's why i commented again. lol would you be pissed if i posted one word comments? :)

  4. Yes, I would like to walk next year if I can. No, I would not like to donate money for 1-word comments. :)

  5. Lauren-I love reading your blogs!! I bet your grandma would be so proud : ) We are going to bypass the wedding "favors" and hopefully use that money towards a donation for the Alzeimers Association as both my grandparents have it. You always think they'll be around forever....
