Monday, October 12, 2009

Havana Wine Fest

My friends and I attended the Havana Wine Fest this weekend.  And, in case anyone was wondering, we did drink some "new" sangria.  :)

The highlight of events like this in Mason County isn't the food, the booze or the weather (last year people were sweating, this year people were freezing).  No, no.  The highlight of these events is the people-watching.  Those of you who read this blog regularly will probably not be surprised to learn that I've spent a large portion of my life being the snarky bitch in the corner; probably laughing at you or someone you know.  The Havana Wine Fest was no different.

What I truly enjoy is watching the upper and lower classes interact. 
"Excuse me man with no teeth and Carharts, can you please hand me an ashtray?" 
"Sure thing, wouldn't want you to ash on your new Uggs, princess."   LOVE.IT.

There were the usual suspects, of course:
1. Crazy Red @ the piano, tripping to her own acidic beats, and showing some major jazz hands
2. The Owner, trying to get my friend to give back some of her wine tickets since she had to work later that evening (He was unsuccessful in his attempts, by the way.  Do not stand between this woman and her sangria!)
3. The Ringmaster, who spent the majority of the day looking lost and hitting on his "girlfriends."

This really wouldn't have been worthy of a blog, however, had it not been for the one new face I captured on film.  Havana Hollywood.

So many problems with this situation. 
1. Who wears fur?  Seriously.  Gross!
2. I'm no fur expert, but if you are going to wear fur, shouldn't it be a pretty color?  It's kind of hard to tell here, but what HH is wearing is this weird yellow/brown color...very reminiscent of dog vomit.
3. If it's cold enough to wear fur the color of vomit, perhaps you should not be wearing a sleeveless cotton shirt, short skirt and bare legs under the coat. 
4. If you're going to have bare legs under the coat, perhaps you should make sure they're not covered in cuts, bruises and scars to the point that people wonder if you're using drugs or just played football.

Aside from all the fashion policing going on here today, one person deserves a major shout out. 

David Zalaznik, a staff photographer for the Journal-Star, held a book signing at the wine fest for his recently published book Life Along the Illinois River.  He kept us girls entertained for the entire wine fest, despite the freezing cold weather.  His book is available for purchase on  You can view more of his work on his website


  1. Ha ha..I think I saw that girl at McD's last week wearing a short teal blue fur with rolled up jeans & teal heels with ankle straps...Guess she saved the long coat for the wine fest. That. Is. Awesome...ha ha :) - Katy

  2. remember that woman on the cruise with the flower print 80's jumpsuit getup and the cat eye sunglasses?
